Silicon Valley Sailing Clubのメンバーの方の呼びかけで震災募金Tシャツをつくったそうなので私も購入させていただきました。
Today Japanese women's soccer team won the World Cup soccer, the charity also seems to have spread to Sailing.
I bought a T-shirt which are donating to the big earthquake in Japan.
This T-shirts are organized by the member of the Silicon Valley Sailing Club.
Maybe you can purchase it through the following URL.
デザインは前面にSail4Japan (Sail For Japan)のロゴ、 背面に賛同したヨットチームの写真・メッセージを集めてプリントしているそうです。
Sail4Japan(Sail For Japan) is designed on the front , and the messages and the photos of yachts gathered in the back.
The sailors of Japan and United States try to work together to support Earthquake reconstruction
It feels so impressed.
Amalfiは 左・下から2番めです。